In the Literature: Notes from the Field: Update: Vitamin B12 Deficiency Among Bhutanese Refugees Resettling in the United States, 2012. Kendra Cuffe, MPH, William Stauffer, MD, John Painter, DVM, et al. MMWR. 2014 July 18; 63(28):607-607.
Tag Archives: Bhutanese
Self-Care Strategies for Refugee Community Leaders
Resource: Self-Care Strategies for Refugee Community Leaders
U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration
Designed in response to suicides in the Bhutanese-Nepali refugee community and geared toward refugee community leaders, caseworkers, community-based organization leaders, and faith-based leaders as well as refugees.
Religious coping and acculturation stress among Hindu Bhutanese
In the Literature: Religious coping and acculturation stress among Hindu Bhutanese: A study of newly-resettled refugees in the United States. Benson GO, Sun F, Hodge DR, Androff DK. International Social Work. July 2012, 55(4).
MMWR Suicide and Suicidal Ideation Among Bhutanese Refugees
In the Literature: Suicide and Suicidal Ideation Among Bhutanese Refugees — United States, 2009–2012. 2013. J Cochran, P Geltman, H Ellis, C Brown, S Anderton, J Montour, M Vargas, K Komatsu, C Senseman, B Lopes Cardozo, T Sivilli, C Blanton, S Shetty, E Taylor, E Lankau, T Ao, et al. MMWR 62(26);533-536.
Investigation of Bhutanese Refugee Suicides in U.S.
Resource: An Investigation into Suicides among Bhutanese Refugees in the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center
Report describes the study design and findings of an investigation into suicides that occured from 2009-2012 among Bhutanese resettled refugees in the U.S. Comments and questions about the report can be submitted to the RHTAC Community Dialogue and will be answered by the study team.
Refugee Suicide Prevention Poster in Refugee Languages
Resource: Refugee Suicide Prevention Poster in Refugee Languages
Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center
Refugee suicide prevention poster is now available in Nepali, Burmese, Karen, and Arabic to raise awareness among community leaders and refugees.
Nepali Health Fact Sheets
Resource: Nepali Health Fact Sheets
Gyan Jyoti Kendra, Global Institute for Nepali-Speaking Diaspora
Fact sheets on women’s health, health assessments, child nutrition, and more. All translated into Nepali.
Orientation For, and About, Refugees with Disabilities (Archived Webinar)
Resource: Orientation For, and About, Refugees with Disabilities (Archived Webinar)
Cultural Orientation Resource Center, Center for Applied Linguistics
Webinar provides case examples of challenges and resources for Bhutanese refugees in Nepal, as well as an overview of U.S. resources and programs available to refugees with disabilities.
Bhutanese Refugee Health Profile
Resource: Bhutanese Refugee Health Profile
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Health profile provides information about Bhutanese refugees’ medical screening, diet, and other health related topics.
Bhutanese Refugee Support Group and PhotoVoice
Resource: Bhutanese Refugees
Bhutanese Refugee Support Group and PhotoVoice
This website provides an introduction to the experiences of Bhutanese refugees in camps, in Bhutan, and in exile.